Laporan Kaji Selidik di Terminal Bas Antara Negeri, Sungai Nibong (Tapak Pesta)
Kaji selidik telah dijalankan di Perhentian Teksi Sungai Nibong di mana perbincangan telah diadakan dengan Gabungan Pemandu Teksi. Mereka telah mengadu beberapa kelemahan:
- Pintu utama ditutup menyebabkan kesukaran untuk penumpang, pengguna jalanraya dan kenderaan awam termasuk teksi. Hasilnya, banyak bas ekspres mengelak dari datang ke premis itu.
- Terdapat kehadiran besar teksi tidak berdaftar yang memberi kesan kepada pemandu teksi berdaftar.
- Tempat mengambil penumpang bagi pengguna bas ekspres berada di dalam zon perhentian teksi menyukarkan penumpang yang membawa bagasi berat dan juga penumpang kurang upaya (OKU).
- Tandas wanita telah dijaga oleh pekerja asing lelaki. Kedua-dua tandas didapati amat kotor.
- Restoran telah ditutup untuk sekian lama dan gerai-gerai penjaja yang tidak diselia dengan baik.
- Terdapat dua lif tetapi hanya satu yang berfungsi.
- Terdapat kekurangan zon khas menunggu bagi pengguna bas ekspres.
Walkthrough survey of Sungai Nibong Interstate Bus Terminal (Pesta Site)
The walkthrough was commenced at Sungai Nibong Taxi Stand. A discussion was held with Gabungan Pemandu Teksi. They complained a number of shortcomings:
- The main gate is kept closed causing great difficulties for commuters, passengers and pickup vehicles including taxis. As a result, many of the express buses avoid coming into the premises.
- There is a huge presence of private or unregistered taxis that affect the livelihood of those registered taxi drivers.
- The pickup area for passengers which is within the parking zone by the taxi stand making it difficult for the passengers with heavy luggage and the physically challenged (OKU).
- The ladies toilet was looked after by a male foreign worker. Both the toilets were filthy
- Restaurants has been closed for quite some time and hawker stalls are not properly run.
- There are two lifts but only one is functioning.
- There is a lack of proper waiting areas for the passengers.
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